

Length of training: 20 minutes to 1.5 hours (able to adjust length of presentation upon request)

The SATC Educator provides a presentation from one of our four, age-appropriate, K-12 curricula directly to students.

My Body is Special (K - 2nd grade)

  • Students learn rules to help protect them from unsafe situations & touches.
  • Students learn body safety concepts.
  • Students learn to tell a trusted grown-up if unsafe touching happens to them.

My Body, My Boundaries (3rd- 5th grade)

  • Students learn how to recognize and respond to unsafe, or sexually abusive behaviors (referred to as unwanted talking, showing, and touching of private parts).
  • Students learn how to identify and respect personal boundaries and how to stay safe from internet predators.
    Students learn about their intuition and telling a trusted adult when they feel unsafe.

[respect]™ (6th – 8th grade)

  • Social-emotional learning curriculum that teaches students tools to keep themselves and others safe while identifying school resources that help promote respectful relationships.
  • Reduced to four lessons that set clear definitions of sexual violence, bullying, harassment, and methods of prevention.
  • Students learn how to communicate and respect boundaries and how to stay safe online.

[respect]™ (9th- 12th grade)

  • Students learn how to recognize and respond appropriately and safely to sexual violence.
  • Students reflect on their behaviors, learn how to respect other’s personal boundaries, and avoid behaving in disrespectful and sexually abusive ways.
  • Students learn how to reduce their risk of victimization and how to help peers in unhealthy relationships while advocating for healthy, respectful relationships.